Friday, March 27, 2009

Professor George Goes to Washington

St. Mary's law school Assistant Professor Cheryl George and her son Gabriel recently traveled to Washington, D.C., to spread awareness about sickle cell disease--and they met the President of the United States while they were in town.

Prof. George emails that not only did they visit the offices of U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston, Rep. Barbara Lee of California, and members of Congress from Illinois and from the Virgin Islands:
But we met with President Obama for 10-15 minutes in the Oval Office. He joked with Gabriel about the gifts we gave he and his family. He was INCREDIBLY kind and took his time talking to Gabriel.
The proud mom also said the Austin American-Statesman interviewed them about the trip; we should see an article in the paper this Sunday. She said in her email about the meeting:
It was a HUGE blessing!!!

God is incredibly GOOD!!! :)
George has wanted to meet Barack Obama for more than a year, since the 10-year-old predicted Obama's election victory back in February 2008. Congrats to the George family!

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